What Your Church Can Do

Gateways to Better Education

Here are easy ideas your church can incorporate in your services:

  1. Put a Free to Speak student pamphlet in each bulletin. Order Free to Speak pamphlets by visiting our secure online store at www.GoGateways.org/store. Be sure to order enough for each bulletin and to have extras in your church foyer. Pamphlets come in packs of 50.

  2. Show our 60-second video announcement.

  3. Honor and pray for the educators in your congregation. Offer a prayer of thanks and blessing for them.

  4. Have stacks of the Free to Speak pamphlets in your church foyer for people to take and give to students, teachers, and friends during the week.

Alliance Defending Freedom

FREE ADDITIONAL SERVICE: The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) has donated its time and expertise in support of the Religious Freedom Day campaign. For every order of 50 Free to Speak pamphlets, ADF has volunteered to send a personalized six-page letter to the school official of your choice.  (Your name will not be mentioned in the letter.) The letter uses Supreme Court citations to clarify students' and teachers' religious liberties. You can designate the school officials as part of the online ordering process at www.GoGateways.org/store. You can also order pamphlets and designate letter recipients by calling (800) 929-1163 (M-F, 8am to 5pm PST)

  • (Optional) End your announcement with the following: "Because of our involvement with the Religious Freedom Day campaign, and at our request, the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is sending letters clarifying students' and teachers' religious liberties to (   x   number) of our local school principals."

For example, if your church has 200 people in its worship service and 30 students in its children's and youth programs, we recommend you order one for each bulletin (200), 100 extra to place in the church foyer, and 10 for each student to give away at school (300), for a total order of 600 pamphlets. You can, then, designate twelve school officials to receive the special letter from an ADF attorney. (If a particular school has already been sent a letter, a nearby school will be selected to receive the letter. This avoids duplication and reaches more school officials.)

Tell us how you will spread the word...


Religious Guidelines that fit in your wallet or backpack!